Contributors to Scales, Veils & Tales


All of the work (and believe me, it is work) presented here is the property of the individual artists. All of their rights are reserved. So, no lifting without permission. Contact information can probably be found on the contributors' pages. If not, check with me to contact anyone whose work you wish to use: libramoon42@mindspring.com

Cameron Gray

Artist statement: I began creating art about 6 or 7 years ago by using 3D programs like Bryce to create 3D scenes to use on my computer desktop, since then I began to blend photography into those pieces and now 6 years later I mix traditional mediums such as acrylics and clay, with digital elements like Poser, Bryce, Vue etc, to create my art. My work can be seen at www.parablevisions.com and I also help out with www.darkartsworld.com

Corina Roberts

born in Wurzburg, Germany in 1964, the daughter of a German/Russian mother and Scottish/Welsh/Cherokee father enlisted in the United States Army. Writing, photography, art and poetry are both a professional and a personal passion. Redbird, founded in 1990 and receiving federal recognition as a 501(c)(3) non profit association in 1994, is a Native American cultural awareness and environmental organization created by Corina some 14 years ago. Writing skill came early, with the first recognition at the age of nine and a novel called Red Rover, which won an all-school first place award against many older students.
Most of Roberts' work today focuses on cultural preservation and environmental education. She has written for a number of non-profit groups as well as doing freelance work. Her new novel, The Wisdom Walkers, available online at www.Lulu.com was the subject of a presentation titled "Telling Our Own Stories" on November 10-12, 2005 at the Southeastern University of Oklahoma's Sixth Annual Native Writer's Symposium in Durant, Oklahoma.
Recent poetry includes "Waking Up Screaming" in the July 2005 online edition of Autumn Leaves, collaboration with Virginia Morell on the National Geographic article "Sea Monsters" in December 2005, and inclusion in the International Poetry Society's 2005 Anthology with "The Honesty of Dogs". Other current online credits include "Jump - Getting Started" an article about writers on writing at www.RedCedarPublishing.com. Visit Redbird's website, at www.RedbirdsVision.org
Corina has several other projects in the works as well. Fairy Island, Inc. is a wedding location operation in its early development, with some very innovative goals and ideas, and for which serious partner/investors are being sought. Through her non-profit, she is also working on a project called "Redbird Ranch," an elder and transitional housing facility focusing on the Native American community, and providing peace and dignity in a culturally appropriate setting for families whose elderly are nearing their end of life.

Contact Corina Roberts at: (805) 217-0364
Or via email at:

Mailing Address:
Corina Roberts, Founder
P.O. Box 702
Simi Valley, CA 93062

Jorge Myztico Campo

or "Tico" as his friends call him was born on the revolutionary island of Cuba. His Parents fled Cuba when he was less than a year old to escape Castro's dictatorship and moved to New York City. Tico was raised in the Heart of Times Square, formerly known as Hell's Kitchen or more recently as the Theatre District. His interest in the arts began at the age of 5, primarily inspired by his Father, Reinaldo's light hearted drawings of cowboys, indians & assorted NYC characters. Fascinated by how lines formed images he followed his father's lead. Spending hours with coloring books, drawing dinosaurs, skeletons & odd creations, as well as being influenced at this young age by the animated art of Max Fleischer & the Looney Tunes cartoons. He is a self taught artist, musician, filmmaker, writer & photographer. To find out more about Myztico and to see an extensive collection of his art and music please visit his website at: http://myztico.mosaicglobe.com
email address: myztico13@yahoo.com

Jason Matson

http://people.tribe.net/jsnmatson2005 It's been a while since I've written anything new. Last year I had a burst of creative energy and no outlet, so it manifested as poetry. This year I'm working as a writer on a film project, so I've got creative output galore, but people will have to wait till the film comes out. :)

doktor J?

Find me in Mt. Elfinstone, British Columbia. As an organik transformer, creating art, and transforming bad energy into good is my purpose in life. I love to love; I try to fly. I have followed my intuition right to this very point . and I'm never turning back. I have seen it all, with closed eyelids and a grin on my face. I have remixed my own religion, and untwisted the brainwash deep within my mind. Once again, I am reborn, and aware of the matrix ever changing around me. Infinite Love, is from which I am born, lucidly manifesting my own magickally divine dreamzZz...Namaste, doktor J. www.doktorj.ca

ME Jones

ME Jones is an ambitious and contemplative student of life and, unfortunately at times, formal education. She loves to read both classic and contemporary works, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge as her favorite English language poet and Alexander Pushkin her preferred international bard. Her favorite novel is The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho. She seeks to understand the issues of modern society through spirituality and individual experience with an omnipotent Presence. She opposes legislation that would prevent others from making their own personal decisions and speaking their minds freely. She wants to have a profound, direct, and beneficent impact on the course of human events within her lifetime, when she is not sleeping to avoid the constant rush of thoughts in her mind. She seeks to study the manifold cultures of the world in hopes of discovering ultimate truths both human and divine. Her deepest wish is to live a life of passion and that the products of her love of life, man, and a certain man in particular to whom she is now promised, make the world a better place. She can be reached at: extempbabe8@gmail.com

Jude Cowell

Lifelong artist, Jude Cowell, currently works primarily in oil and watercolor pencil on paper. This Georgia native's drawings may be viewed online at Cosmic Persona Designs Art Gallery, and at Dreamyfish Art, where postcards and limited edition prints are available upon request. Cosmic Persona Designs is a collection of archetypal feminine images, cosmic-visionary art (some from an earlier series, Children's World), children's art, and more. An astrological influence is apparent, for Jude has been a serious astrology novice for 10 years, and is writer and publisher of the Political Astrology blog, Stars Over Washington. Dreamyfish Art is a gallery of Saturn's realism--botanically-drawn tropical fish portraits--blended with Neptune's watery, illusory qualities--a combination which neatly describes the artist's natal Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces personality. Fish dream, too, and here you may have a sneak peek into their most favorite and secret dream locations undersea at Dreamyfish Art. Several moons ago, Jude was an art student at Atlanta School of Art (now College of Art) on Peachtree Street, and even now you may detect a Fashion Illustration, Layout, and Design influence in her work, especially in the Cosmic Persona Designs collection. You never know what might show up at Cosmic Persona, but you are cordially invited to stop by when you can...and remember that fish dream, too!
For queries, to offer feedback, or for ordering details, email artist at:
cosmicpersonadesigns@earthlink.net or dreamyfishart@earthlink.net

Wishing Peace, Love, and Art to All,
Jude Cowell

http://cosmicpersonadesigns.blogspot.com/, http://dreamyfishart.blogspot.com/, http://secretmoonart.blogspot.com, http://judecowell.blog.com,
, and http://starsoverwashington.blogspot.com/


Born 1953, Liverpool. Have worked as a librarian, peanut butter processor, dishwasher and dogsbody in too many hotels to mention. Also an artist - have contributed many black and white third world studies to numerous journals globally, often affiliated with Ananda Marga Yoga society for whom I've done voluntary work in S.E. Asia, including mural painting and work in various social projects. Also worked as a volunteer at a large orphanage in Thailand. Currently making and hand-painting jewelry/ craft boxes displaying fairies, dragons, Winnie the Pooh. Working off and on at a few appalling fantasy novels. Occasionally make dolls houses, castles and rocking horses... A regular contributor to a number of poetry websites.

Stevon Lucero

About Myself...

I have been painting for three decades. Since my childhood, I have experienced live visions, vision dreams, dreams of other worlds and separate realities. Through these revelations of the metaphysical, I have been guided to create the unique art form I call "Metarealism". This is how I describe it: "Metarealism is the externalization of interior realities which are transformed into visual mystic metaphors. I use the process of the philosophic state of polar synthesis. My paintings are neither reflections of the conscious, as in realism, nor the subconscious, as in surrealism. They are instead a visual synthesis, symbolizing the spiritual continuum to which they owe their existence and which lies at the center of their being. (All being, for that matter!) Their being is therefore the personification of thought realities. Thought Forms ... as it were.

CloudWatcher 2 --The original oil painting was painted in 2004.



Description: This piece was inspired by a poem I wrote, which accompanies it here. The idea is that the creator in his solitude and aloneness creates the universe. He emerges from the bottom which is water. The water is a metaphor for the eternal mind of God or the universe of consciousness. The mountains represents the son, or the manifestation of something out of that recognition of being. The sky stands for the Holy Spirit.

The Madman is playing the flute. The sphere on the flute symbolizes the soul nature of the universe. The black and white represents the dualistic physical nature that something is manifested in nothingness.

The Madman plays his flute, creating the universe. He's emerging from another dimension of that universe showing that the universe is infinite and that outside of it is nothing more than inside it.

Stevon Lucero's website is
www.stevonlucero.com. He can be emailed at stevon@stevonlucero.com for more information or comments.

Kala Snowflower (Michele Neve)

I'm very excited to have just finished my latest book of poems, Snakebite, and currently am planning an e format release of it in the Fall. A new book of devotional poems is in the works, so far entitled, Adore. In addition to keeping the flow of poetry alive year after wheel of the year, I am now taking my studies of herbal medicine to the next level by growing herbs and preparing my own medicines. Last year I received my third Reiki attunement and I have recently began teaching classes in Reiki and passing attunements. I am enjoying this work immensely and learning so much in the process. My work as a healer and my work as a poet flow from the same source. And I am grateful to be able to continue and deepen my understanding of life and love through my Art and artful living. You can reach me at kalaalak@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you about my poetry, the healing arts or to share in awe over the Beauty of this sweet Earth.

Leland Auslender

The photographs and films of Leland Auslender have been critically acclaimed at national and international exhibitions, including eight one-man and group shows in the past two years. The Birth of Aphrodite" won the CINE Golden Eagle and the Atlanta International Film Festival Silver Phoenix for Best Experimental Film. It was an official U.S. entry at the Cannes Film Festival.

The piece displayed here is Rusalka:
According to Slavic folklore, when a maiden dies an untimely death, her soul, known as a Rusalka, appears as a beautiful water spirit, dwelling in a nearby lake.There, she lures young men into the water,to their death…and Nirvana beyond.


I died so young, I never knew
the wonders of true love or bliss.
Oh handsome youth embrace my soul;
fulfill me with a deathless kiss.


Frozen in timeless beauty, Auslender’s Celestial Images reflect transcendental or “peak” experiences of our oneness with the mystical universe as we open ourselves to receive whatever it might offer…

glimpses of the glittering biodance,
visits by the mysterious Muse,
the cosmos as a cathedral,
fantasies… dreams,
ethereal angels,
nature spirits,
love and



I'm happy with anyone sampling my work and remixing it any way they choose... Coming from a musical perspective on sampling old records to make new ones... My tribe handle, for anyone who cares to look to find out about me... http://people.tribe.net/lucifari There is some information about the image there; and i'm working on having more written about each of the pieces i have worked on recently...

Laurie Corzett/libramoon

is seeking collaboration for her Flash Utopian Fiction Project: series of flash fiction pieces around a federation of diverse villages each working out their methods of community life -- little dramatic impacts illustrating creative solutions to social problems. Got ideas?

"A Dream of Water" is included in Words from the Sky http://www.lulu.com/libramoon
where you can also find
libramoon's observatory (blog)

Tom Repasky

was born to an Ohio farm family in 1949. He entered a seminary when he was 13 years old with the intention of becoming a Catholic priest. That year, however, he died as a result of falling off a cliff, and his perception of life was irrevocably altered. After leaving the seminary, finishing high school, and being expelled from Kent State University three times, Tom moved to Los Angeles and entered the "Monastery" (the field of electronics in the 1960's). He moved to Portland, Oregon in 1974, where he has made his home and continues to work as an electronics engineer.

After his death experience, Tom's perception of himself and of physical "reality" changed drastically. He awoke to a kaleidoscopic world of changing energy patterns formed and shaped by the intellect of the "God Machine" known as humanity. Tom's art is a manifestation of his inner drive to explain the spectrum of spiritual reality in a visual format; hence his fascination with the interplay between light and shadow, color and form. Tom began painting with acrylics in the early seventies, moving to the digital medium in the early nineties. Using the computer to manipulate reality variables has opened a versatile and fascinating genre of expression to him. He has produced a prolific body of work (over 600 images) since 1995. His images are an outpouring of his unique view of the Universe Within.

Artist Statement

I began painting in early 1970s. Like most folks who have had a near death experience the drive to express one's self and philosophy is compelling, perhaps even compulsive. I write stories and play music; but I am most fascinated with visual art.

After 20+ years of painting with acrylics, oils, pastels and anything else I could find, I tried doing art on a computer beginning in the 1980s. Programs were crude and the art even rougher. By the early 1990s the computer programs became more sophisticated and processing power could keep up with more and more complex scenes. I am particularly interested in textures and light/shadow. I am also very interested in how we perceive things, and so much of my art tends to be surreal and/or abstract. My art examines aspects of perception, archetypes, and metaphysical elements of the human experience.

I typically do several images in a series before discovering a new topic to examine. These topics have ranged from the rooms of the human mind to ambiguity of form. Over the past 6 years I have created more than 1000 images of which I show over 300 on my website. I believe art is to be seen and as such I have made my art freely available to a world wide audience.

Tom Repasky 1/26/2000

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